Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Blogger Yet?

I can hardly call myself a blogger anymore. I really wish I could. Facebook, groups, forums, twitter, Linkedin have all taken over. I have accounts in "networking" sites that I never even go to. I look around me and see all sorts of issues that I could write about, but I just don't seem to have the motivation. Crime in the streets - plenty of people write about it. East Village TIF proposal - I went to the meeting last night and can see both sides, so I am still arguing with myself on that one. Economy - yeah, it sucks pondwater, but what's new? So one out of 8 Americans are receiving SNAP (new name for Food Stamps), someone will go on a stereotypical rant about "those people". Museums, hotels, etc. - seems I have lost that battle.

Crazy drivers - well maybe that is worth a post now that we have to get retrained for winter driving. I learned to drive under the motto of "watch the fool driving the car behind the idiot in front of you". That has served me well for some 50 years. I can't change other drivers, but I can drive defensively.

I have written about my conflicted feelings in reference to retirement - that's old news. I don't write about work anymore and I don't think family likes me to write about them, so that limits my options.

I have told the saga of the home improvements - down to four glass block windows in be basement and I am done with the house (at least the outside), the yard (new fence) and garage (siding, door & roof). I don't want to belabor that again.

Christmas shopping is done and my wireless mouse is driving me nuts. Are those worth a new post?

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