Monday, October 29, 2007

I Almost Did It

I almost made a post on PeoriaDotCom a bit ago. I almost posted in reference to Halloween Activities. Dream Center Peoria is hosting Fear Factor from 6 to 8:30 PM Wednesday. Food, games, fellowship and prizes. It is being held in the gym at their facility (the old YMCA). Someone posted "notice the civility on the forum now", I wanted to post, "Not civil, boring!" At least to me. Doesn't mean it was to everyone. As I think about it, perhaps "bland" is a better word. I do miss posting and I may again if there is a thread that has any "meat" to it, or if I think I have something useful to add to a topic. I consider myself reasonably intelligent and fairly literate. I have lived long enough to have had a lot of experience - both good and not so good. If I post again, there will most likely be some snide remarks (if a few folks are still around), but that's OK.

I have my own internal conflicts to get past before I can comfortably post again. I am working on it. I wish the forum well. I think it helped a couple of people get some direction on job hunting and to find out what kind of activities were available in the Peoria area. Some of the threads got me thinking about issues - until it seemed to me that there was an impasse and one side started insults toward the other side for their beliefs or opinions. Seems to me that there could have been an agreement to disagree rather than trying to "beat them into submission". I guess politics and religion aren't safe topics. I learned about some interesting blogs and web sites that I didn't know otherwise. Some threads were really fun. I enjoyed the "famous phrases" one. My previous experience with forums have been single issue or work related. Maybe I didn't know what to expect.

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